

BOOK ‘EM: Just what is it about Torrance that attracts so many big bookstores?

The 20-square-mile city, perhaps better known for its oil refineries and shopping mall, has not one, but two Super Crown Books and two Bookstar bookstores. Now a fifth large bookstore is coming to town, and this one will be almost as big as the other four combined.

Borders Books and Music, just entering the Southern California market, plans to build a mammoth 36,000-square-foot store at the corner of Torrance Boulevard and Amie Avenue. It is expected to open this summer.

“This is going to be quite unique,” said Keith Marks, a partner at Amsted California Partners in Century City, which is developing the site with New Center Co. of Farmington Hills, Mich.


He described the new store as a “cross between a library and a bookstore. They promote it as a place where the customer can come in and read a book.”

Borders, a subsidiary of K mart Corp. in Ann Arbor, Mich., also would include an espresso bar, reading areas and music listening bays.

And in answer to the question “Why Torrance?” Amsted California Partners Vice President Gary Scott says there’s no great mystery. “Torrance has a dense population, a wealthy population and an educated population.” *
