
THOUSAND OAKS : Conservation Group Reveals 14-Point Plan

To ensure protection of 12,000 acres of parkland in and around Thousand Oaks, the Conejo Open Space Conservation Authority has established a 14-point program for the upcoming year.

The agency’s priorities include preparing a management plan for rugged Hill Canyon, which is under consideration as a site for a municipal golf course and trail system. Reacting to last fall’s wildfires, the five COSCA trustees also plan to identify areas in danger of erosion or mudslides.

To better acquaint the public with COSCA’s land holdings, the group will prepare a resource guide describing the trail network around North Ranch. The trustees will also try to boost awareness of Wildwood Park facilities.


Another key goal is to develop a maintenance plan to keep trails, fences and park buildings in shape.

“The maintenance plan is a real nuts-and-bolts kind of job that’s real important,” said COSCA member Rorie Skei of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. “We don’t want it to fall by the wayside. Luckily, we don’t have the community saying ‘we can’t have open space because it’s too expensive to maintain.’ But 10 years down the road, who knows what will happen. That’s why we want to have this plan in place and operational.”

Skei was reelected this week to head COSCA, a joint agency of the Conejo Recreation and Park District and the city of Thousand Oaks. The group meets every other month in public session at Thousand Oaks City Hall.
