
Radar Weather System

As a Ventura County resident, I am interested in the placement of a radar weather tracking station on Sulpher Mountain.

Do we really need such as system? The U.S. government has spent billions of our dollars creating a weather satellite tracking system for the United States. Why, now, the change to a microwave system that creates hazardous radiation over a broad area? Why establish 115 such weather stations throughout the United States? Is there something here that our government is not telling us? I would like to know the strength, intensity, and distance that the station will send the microwaves.

Any variation in the intensity and strength in the microwaves will affect the human immune system and lead to a host of diseases. Studies have been conducted in Switzerland on the effects of microwave radiation. The results indicate a change in the blood leading to conditions that cause cancer.


Could it be that these radar weather tracking stations are designed for something else?


Santa Paula
