
Two Homes to Move Into New Buena Park Historical District

Remnants of Buena Park’s past will get a permanent home in a newly created historical district on Beach Boulevard, across from City Hall.

The City Council, acting as the Community Redevelopment Agency, on Tuesday unanimously approved relocating two historic homes from their current park site on Manchester Boulevard.

The Whitaker-Jaynes estate was built at the site in 1887 by Andrew Whitaker, the brother of the city’s founder, James A. Whitaker. The Bacon House, a squatter’s shack built sometime in the 1850s, was moved to the site from its original location on Beach Boulevard. The city owns both homes.


Moving the historic homes will make way for expansion of the city’s auto dealerships along Manchester Boulevard, next to the Santa Ana Freeway.

The council also approved the plan to establish a historical district as well as to purchase the property where the homes will be moved.

Total cost of the project is $568,000; the money will come from the Redevelopment Agency. The new site for the homes is within a redevelopment project area.


Dean Dixon, a board member of the Buena Park Historical Society, told the council that its members support the move in order to preserve what’s left of the city’s past.

“We think (the council) has shown foresight and leadership that will further the cause for historic preservation,” Dixon said.

Dixon said some people believe the Whitaker-Jaynes home should remain at its original site. He said a purist in historical preservation believes that moving a building from its original site diminishes its historical significance.


But Dixon said that tearing down the homes would be worse than moving them. In addition, moving the houses will increase security for the structures and collections inside, he said.

“The houses will be in a controlled situation instead of a public park,” he said.

The historical district will be on the west side of Beach Boulevard, between 9th and 10th streets, south of the Santa Ana Freeway. Other landmark structures in the area include the First Congregational Church and the former Stage Stop Hotel, now a residence. These structures and possibly other buildings may be included in the historical district.

Dixon said the historical society will continue to give tours of the homes once they are moved; plans are also underway to create a walking tour of the area.
