
OXNARD : Pre-Application Plan OKd for Developers

Members of the Oxnard City Council will decide whether to give tentative approval to major projects in the city before developers embark on the lengthy application process, under a pre-application plan approved Tuesday.

The City Council approved the proposal in an effort to streamline the permit process and give the council a chance to study plans for significant and sensitive projects before applicants invest time and money in the developments.

“This will provide a much smoother flow,” Councilman Michael A. Plisky said. “What we do is kind of brainstorm and talk out loud and give staff some direction about what we’d like to see.”


But Barbara Macri-Ortiz of the Channel Counties Legal Services poverty law firm expressed concern that the effort would backfire.

“If it turns into a mechanism where it’s just another hoop a developer has to go through, it could affect affordable housing projects,” she said.

Also under review is the creation of the position of zoning administrator, who could approve minor permits such as variances. The administrator would not be a new position, however. Community Development Director Richard J. Maggio would be assigned the duties in addition to his present job.


The Planning Commission and City Council would still review parcel and subdivision maps, and other major land-use applications. Staff workers are still formulating details of the zoning administrator concept.
