
Bankruptcy Court Plans New Branch

Responding to an increase in case filings throughout Los Angeles County, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court is opening a court facility in the San Fernando Valley, officials said.

The new branch, scheduled to open in 1995 at a yet-to-be determined location, will handle the area between Kern County to the north, Malibu and Studio City to the south, Palmdale and North Hollywood to the east, and Ventura County to the west, said spokeswoman Wendy Webster.

Los Angeles Bankruptcy Court Judges Arthur Greenwald, Geraldine Mund, Kathleen Lax and their staff have already begun handling cases in the area, Webster said.


The site will be the fifth bankruptcy court in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court’s Central District of California, which handles more filings than any other district in the nation. The other four branches are in Santa Barbara, Downtown Los Angeles, Santa Ana and San Bernardino.
