
Countywide : OCTA Postpones Dial-a-Ride Vote

The Orange County Transportation Authority decided Monday to postpone a vote on the future of the Dial-a-Ride program until June 27.

The transportation agency is considering discontinuing the same-day taxi service for seniors to free up funds for a disabled riders’ program.

Elderly Dial-a-Ride users swamped an OCTA meeting earlier this month, requesting that the board not pit senior citizens against disabled riders.


“The postponement will give (the board) an opportunity to incorporate the public input we have received and respond to that public comment,” said Elaine Beno, an OCTA spokeswoman.

Beno said the League of California Cities had asked OCTA to postpone its decision. The agency said it is facing a slim budget at the same time the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act requires it to make it easier for disabled people to use mass transit. The act did not earmark federal funds to help the agencies meet the mandate.

OCTA has suggested phasing out Dial-a-Ride for individuals by Sept. 11, while leaving it intact for groups. The money saved would be used to expand ACCESS, the program for disabled riders.
