
Special Counsel to Report Today on First Part of Whitewater Probe

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Whitewater special counsel Robert B. Fiske Jr. will issue his first report today, giving his findings on Vincent Foster’s death and contacts between regulators and the White House.

Sources said the report will reaffirm the police conclusion that Foster, the deputy White House counsel who was found fatally shot in a suburban Washington park last July, committed suicide.

The interim report comes as Fiske is wrapping up the Washington phase of his investigation. He next turns his attention to various Arkansas business dealings involving President and Mrs. Clinton.


Fiske’s office declined Wednesday to describe the contents of the report. But the Associated Press previously reported that Fiske’s review of forensic evidence reaffirmed the suicide conclusion.

Fiske has said the report also will address:

* The handling of documents that White House officials removed from Foster’s office in the hours after his death. Some of those documents involved the Clintons’ Whitewater land development venture.

* Contacts between the White House and Treasury Department on the status of a federal probe of a failed Arkansas savings and loan owned by James B. McDougal, the Clintons’ Whitewater partner.
