
Cleaner Beaches

The California Coastal Commission would like to thank The Times for your timely editorial spreading the message of personal environmental responsibility (“The Beach You Save May Be Your Own,” July 2). We are very proud that through our Adopt-A-Beach Program and annual statewide Coastal Cleanup Day Californians lead the nation in caring for the coast. More than 50,000 volunteers joined in the 1993 Cleanup Day, an accomplishment that has just been awarded the world record by the Guinness Book of Records. Even at the minimum wage, that one three-hour cleanup amounted to a savings to the state of more than $637,000!

In response to The Times’ call for people to lend a hand, here are some simple things that can be done:

* Groups can make a commitment to cleaning their favorite beach at least three times a year. The commission’s Adopt-A-Beach Program can provide the supplies and orientation to make it easy.


* Teachers can get the Save Our Seas curriculum to help students understand the ocean and coastal environment, and involve them in hands-on projects that show them they have the power to make a difference.

* Businesses can join Lucky Stores, Southwest Airlines, Coors Pure Water 2000, the American Plastics Council and scores of local businesses in helping to underwrite organizing and supplies for volunteer cleanups.

* Individuals can make every visit to the beach a conservation crusade and set an example by always leaving the beach cleaner than they found it.


* Voters can support SB 1411, by state Sen. Henry J. Mello (D-Santa Cruz), authorizing an Adopt-A-Beach license plate; part of the fee for each plate sold would help provide funding for the Adopt-A-Beach cleanup and education program.

* Everyone can volunteer for the 10th annual Statewide Coastal Cleanup on Saturday, Sept. 17.

We hope your readers will take up your challenge by calling the Coastal Commission at (800) COAST 4 U to find out more about these and other ideas that will help make the beach “see-worthy.”


PETER DOUGLAS, Executive Director

California Coastal Commission

San Francisco
