
THOUSAND OAKS : Commission OKs Development Plan

A revision of the blueprint for future development in Thousand Oaks has been approved by the Thousand Oaks Planning Commission after a lengthy debate focused mostly on semantics.

Commissioners wrangled over a few passages in the proposed revision of the city’s general plan, but approved the new version largely intact.

City officials have spent three years formulating the plan, which will guide all future development in the city.


The committee formed to study the general plan held five public meetings on the issue and has submitted the plan in segments for approval by the City Council.

Monday night, the commission took up elements of the plan dealing with goals for open space and roadway changes to handle continued growth.

Commissioners praised the document, which emphasizes the city’s interest in preserving open space and protecting the environment.


“This is the outcome of a fantastic effort,” Commissioner Marilyn Carpenter said.

“It is something we can be proud of.”

Commissioner Mervyn Kopp said he supported most of the plan, but criticized wording that he said suggests that Thousand Oaks is better than neighboring cities.

“I think when you say we’re going to try to be ‘visually distinct from surrounding communities’ it comes across as elitist,” Kopp said. “Why can’t we just say we want to look good.”

But commissioners Carpenter, Irving Wasserman and Linda Parks said they approved of the wording.


The proposal passed 4-0, with Commissioner Forrest Frields absent, and will be forwarded to the City Council at the end of the summer.
