
LOS ALAMITOS : Ordinance on Space for Recycling OKd

The City Council has tentatively approved an ordinance that would require multifamily residential complexes, commercial and industrial buildings to provide more space for collecting and loading recyclable materials.

Council members said the ordinance, approved by unanimous vote Monday, will help the city meet a state requirement to reduce by half the amount of trash that could be dumped into landfills by the year 2000.

Under the ordinance, developers must set aside at least 40 square feet of space for a trash enclosure where recyclable materials, such as paper, cardboard, glass and plastics may be stored and collected.


This will be required for all new office buildings, stores, restaurants, industrial buildings, hotels and motels and multifamily residences of five units or more.

The bigger the project, the larger recycling space will be required. Hotels and motels of more than 150 rooms, for example, would need 160 square feet of space to be devoted for recycling.

Single-family residences and multifamily homes with four or fewer units are exempt, according to Elizabeth Binsack, community development director.


The council will consider the ordinance for final approval on Aug. 22.
