
FULLERTON : Library Game Gets Children to Read

Robert Stiles has learned about all kinds of flowers, bees and sharks, and now he is involved in heart-racing mysteries. This summer, the 10-year-old has spent more than 32 hours reading dozens of books as part of a reading game sponsored by the Fullerton Public Library.

More than 1,500 children are participating in the game, in which players color in a bubble for every half-hour they spend reading on a mock bus tour to the library.

On the game board, players periodically are instructed to go to the library to get their bus passes punched for prizes. They also receive raffle tickets for chances to win weekly drawings for such items as books and gift certificates to local fast-food restaurants and theme parks.


“It’s something to do while I’m waiting for school to start up,” Robert said during a recent visit to the library.

Nine-year-old Megan Feighery also is playing the reading game because “reading gives me great pleasure. I get so into books that my imagination takes me everywhere. One minute I could be in California and the next I’m in Africa, then Australia.”

The game was created to entice youngsters to go to the library, become interested in reading and improve their reading skills, said Kathy Dasney, a librarian in the children’s section.


“It keeps children reading during the summer in a fun way and establishes a lifelong relationship with books,” Dasney said.

Becky Polee, 13, agreed.

“Reading is exciting,” she said. “You learn so much about everything when you read. . . . If you can’t read, you can’t do anything.”

Dasney said children can still sign up to play the free game, which ends Sept. 3.
