
That Widgety Feeling

Apropos your brief article (Newsbites, July 21): “Widgets” (devices that give canned Guinness Stout a foamy head like that of draught Guinness) were invented (according to authentic and unbiased English sources) at the Guinness Brewery, Park Royal, England, and justifiably won the highly prestigious Queen’s Award to Industry for this superb addition to the transportability of a naturally brewed and magnificently tasting beer.

You mentioned that “widgeted” beer is not available in this country. May I suggest that you expand your horizons as far afield as Ventura, where “widgeted” Guinness is available in chilled cans at the “English-style” Victoria Pub and is highly recommended by those whose appreciation of such delightful beverages cannot be questioned.


Simi Valley
