
LA PALMA : Land to Be Bought for Low-Cost Housing

Rather than acquiring property by condemnation, the City Council has voted to accept a compromise price to buy land needed for low-cost housing.

The council approved spending $200,000 on land near the intersection of Denni Street and La Palma Avenue that is owned by Abel Hou. Hou’s land is in the area where the city plans to construct its affordable housing project.

The city initially offered Hou $175,000 for the land, and he countered with an asking price of $250,000, said Ismile H. Noorbaksh, the city’s director of public works. Noorbaksh said that after more negotiation, Hou on Nov. 9 “offered to sell the parcel at a final price of $200,000.”


In a report to the council earlier this month, Noorbaksh said even though the $200,000 was 14% above the appraised value of the land, he and his staff recommended that the city accept the offer.

“Time being of the essence, staff feels the negotiated price of $200,000 is a good, acceptable compromise,” Noorbaksh said in his written report.

He added that although the city could seek “to file for condemnation to acquire the parcel, the attorney’s fees and the cost of litigation may exceed the total negotiated price.”


The council agreed with Noorbaksh and unanimously approved the compromise price. Money for the land purchase comes from a federal Community Development Block Grant.
