
Hispanics Should Lobby Spanish-Language TV

I found it curious to see a news photograph of Hispanic comedians picketing NBC studios over their lack of exposure on prime time TV. One picket sign read, “1994 Hispanics--10% of Population--Less Than 1% of Prime Time TV.”

Maybe I use a different math, but considering the market shares, there are six national, non-cable networks (NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, Univision and Telemundo). Two are Spanish-language networks. As I calculate it, the sign should have read, “1994 Hispanics--10% of population--33% of prime-time TV.”

Let’s not forget that the Spanish-language networks are also guilty of not reflecting the population diversity of this country. Forget looking for 90% of non-Hispanic actors on Univision or Telemundo. One would be hard-pressed to find any fraction of 1% (unless you count a few dubbed commercials).


Perhaps the Hispanic actors and comedians should pressure Univision and Telemundo to produce more shows domestically, thus using Hispanic talent in this country. Instead they save money by buying from Mexico, Venezuela and Puerto Rico and sidestep the talent here.


West Hills
