
Lagunatics Dress Up Larger Than Life

A spoof of the song “Anything Goes” opened “Lagunatics ‘95,” the third annual revue lampooning life in Laguna Beach at the Laguna Playhouse over the weekend. But the costuming was anything but haphazard. Costume designer Brad Elsberry went for a tightly exaggerated look at the city’s main characters.

Here, from left, director Joe Lauderdale was the only one who didn’t look like the Village People revisited in his Hollywood-style loose suit. Suzanne Cheves sparkled from top hat to toes as a Singular Sensation dancer. Charley Rossman donned the garb of an orange-vested, bureaucratic Caltrans worker constantly chomping on an oozing sandwich. Pat Kollenda played a self-appointed, voice-of-the-people protester who barked about the Laguna Canyon toll road while wearing a politically incorrect fur. Rachel Alcone was the bouncy kid in a tie-dyed jumper. Lisa Hale portrayed Faye Dunaway doing an over-the-top version of “Sunset Boulevard’s” Norma Desmond in a desperately-seeking-a-job leopard outfit with matching turban. And Carol Robinson was jacketed in glitzy red as a way-cool Cliff Dweller, a backup crooner for Cliff Drive, the tuxedo- and bike-shorts-clad star of the show, played by Tim Dey. (Dey designed his costume, as well as co-wrote the book and lyrics with Bree Burgess Rosen.)

Proceeds, about $58,000, from the two shows will benefit the playhouse and the Laguna Beach Community Clinic, which caters to general family health.
