
Better Day at the Polls

Thank God that Alan E. Frisbie was a good sport (“Democracy Is Sweeter When Voting Under ‘Battlefield’ Conditions,’ ” Community Essay, June 7). I, too, was lured to work the election because of the romantic, civic intrigue. With two neighboring precincts voting at the Ivanhoe School polling place, I thought this was a great way to meet people. We also had problems with people not showing up, but that was soon overlooked as I had one of the most enjoyable days of my life.

Being a social liberal, I was paradoxically teamed with a conservative Republican. I was shocked. A conservative Republican in Silver Lake? No way! How could this happen? But, as I discovered her sincerity, I began to understand the essence of our culturally diverse and democratic society.

More people should try working the polling booth. It’s fun and you meet a lot of sincere, civic-minded people. We should look to offering some type of social activity near the polling place to increase turnout. However, I was voted down when I suggested a Silver Lake cocktail mixer.



Los Angeles
