
Airport Board Elects President; Riordan Appoints New Member

Longtime City Hall insider Daniel P. Garcia, a trusted trouble-shooter for two mayors, on Tuesday was elected president of the influential Los Angeles Airport Commission.

Garcia’s election to the leadership post on the five-member policy-setting commission came the same day that Mayor Richard Riordan announced he has selected architect William Dahl Sr. to fill a vacancy on the commission.

Dahl’s appointment, if confirmed by the City Council, and Garcia’s elevation will lend continuity to the commission after the recent resignation of Ted Stein, a Riordan confidant who recently stepped down as president to run for city attorney.


Riordan also chose another Bradley administration veteran Tuesday, naming attorney Dominick W. Rubalcava to the Transportation Commission. Rubalcava, of Cheviot Hills, was nominated to replace Christine Robert, whom Riordan wants on the CRA board. He was an assistant U.S. attorney for Central California before entering private practice and has served on the city’s Fire, Harbor, Recreation and Parks and Coliseum commissions.
