
Alemany High to Mark 40th Year

Alemany High School in Mission Hills will celebrate its 40th anniversary Sunday.

The coed school, run by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, has invited alumni, former teachers and administrators to join the student body and faculty in the festivities scheduled to run from 1 to 5 p.m.

“It’s going to be a big reunion party and celebration,” said Tina Eick, director of activities, adding that the school has “come full circle” since moving from its old, quake-damaged campus on Rinaldi Street to its present location next to San Fernando Mission, a site formerly occupied by a high school seminary.

“The school started out here in the seminary a long time ago, and here we are again, this is now our permanent home,” Eick said. Nine of the old campus’ 12 buildings were severely damaged in the 1994 Northridge earthquake, she said.


A special display of mannequins--sporting Alemany school uniforms of the past--will be set up in the dining hall, Eick said.

The festivities will take place at the school, 15101 San Fernando Mission Blvd.
