
Volunteer Effort Rewarded at Polls

* The defeat of Measure T, the Weldon III proposal, and the approval of Measures R and U, the library parcel tax measures, were the tremendous accomplishments of the citizens of the Ojai community.

These victories represent the diligent and untiring efforts of hundreds of volunteers and contributors of funds. Each deserves our eternal gratitude and everlasting appreciation.

As one who firmly believes in acknowledging extraordinary contributions of citizens to our community, it was indeed a great privilege in performing my final task as mayor at the April 16th council meeting, to acknowledge and commend the work of the many dedicated contributors.


It is also very important that we all recognize and congratulate all those responsible citizens who turned out in remarkable numbers at the polls to cast their votes on these critical issues.

A few years ago when we all helped to defeat the Weldon I proposal, we adopted a watchword for Ojai. It was, and still is, “Eternal Vigilance.”


City Council member

