
Daimler Unveils Prototype for Fuel-Cell-Powered Van

From Reuters

Daimler-Benz unveiled the world’s first fuel-cell-powered vehicle Tuesday, saying it represents the auto industry’s most realistic hope for eventually manufacturing a practical, pollution-free vehicle.

The prototype, five years in the works, is powered by electricity generated by a controlled reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, producing an exhaust of harmless water vapor. The hydrogen is carried on board in a tank and the oxygen is drawn from the atmosphere.

Daimler said progress had been faster than expected and that the technology is a realistic alternative to battery-powered cars, which have limited performance and traveling range.


Daimler’s vehicle, a minivan, can carry six people at more than 60 mph and has an operating range of 150 miles. Full-scale production, if the company opts for it, would be 10 years away.
