
Members Sought for Building Appeals Panel

The city of Calabasas is seeking three people to serve on its newly established building and safety board of appeals.

Qualified individuals would include licensed architects, engineers and construction contractors, said Tim Steenson, a city building official.

The board would hear appeals concerning the interpretation of building codes brought by developers of projects in the city, Steenson said.


“They wouldn’t be allowed to hear administrative issues or to waive code requirements,” Steenson said.

For example, he said, the panel could respond to a developer who questions the city’s stance on smoke-detector audibility in buildings.

“The building code in California requires that smoke detectors sound an audible alarm in all areas of a building,” Steenson said. “Some places interpret that to mean all the detectors should be interconnected. But what if a builder wants to do a 250-unit development? [The board] is for those kinds of things that are open to interpretation.”


Board members would be paid a stipend of $50 per meeting. Applicants must be Calabasas residents who are not employed by the city.

For information, call (818) 878-4225.
