
Trader Joe’s Market to Move to Bigger Site

Trader Joe’s market, which is proving to be more popular than its current location can accommodate, will move to bigger digs.

The City Council this week approved a change in the city’s General Plan that will allow the grocer to relocate in a building at 640 W. 17th St. that formerly housed the Empire Ballroom.

The Empire Ballroom was shut down by the council last winter after residents complained that noisy, intoxicated patrons disturbed their sleep, littered the streets and sometimes vomited on their lawns.


James Ferryman, a real estate broker with J.D. Property Management in Costa Mesa, said Trader Joe’s will probably move in 90 days. The company must first refurbish the building and transfer its liquor license.

Ferryman, who brokered the deal for Trader Joe’s, said the new building is about twice as large as the store’s current location at Newport Boulevard and 17th Street. The new site will have about 10 times the parking spaces.
