
Inmate Is Suspect in Counselor’s Death

A California Youth Authority inmate has been named as a suspect in the slaying of a counselor at the Heman G. Stark Youth Training School in Chino, police said Thursday.

Police said they are investigating James Ferris, 24, in connection with the death of Ineasie Baker, 42, whose body was found in a landfill near Chino on Sunday. Ferris is serving 25 years to life for the 1989 murder of a 55-year-old Irvine nurse who had befriended him.

Chino Police Sgt. Stuart Jones said investigators believe Baker was killed at the youth facility Friday and dumped in a trash can. She was reported missing about 4 a.m. Saturday by her 18-year-old daughter.


Baker had worked at the facility--which houses more than 2,000 inmates between the ages of 18 and 25--for seven years.
