
Council Candidate Drops Out of Race

City Council candidate Rick Brush has withdrawn from the November ballot, saying that a prior arrest on suspicion of child molestation has tainted his campaign.

Charges were filed in 1990 but dismissed before trial.

Nonetheless, Brush, 55, said the allegations would haunt his campaign and divert attention from issues facing Camarillo.

“It’s too bad,” said Brush, a retired Navy commander. “All along I’ve had a real good opportunity to serve the community, but it’s just not going to fly with the atmosphere that’s being generated by my past.”


Brush said the charges were leveled by his ex-wife during a messy divorce six years ago.

“You can’t really do too much about it, other than get a good lawyer and protect yourself,” he said.

The candidate’s name will still appear on the ballot because he was already certified by the end of the filing period, City Clerk Marilyn Thiel said.

Brush’s withdrawal leaves nine candidates seeking two seats on the five-member council. Incumbents David M. Smith and Mike Morgan have both opted not to run again.
