
Grant Awarded for HIV Study of Minorities

The UCLA AIDS Institute and Drew University in Los Angeles will share a $100,000 grant to study ways to help poor and minority HIV-infected people benefit from new care for the disease.

“Historically, these populations have had limited access to health care, limited economic and employment opportunities and limited mental health services,” said Dr. Ronald Mitsuyasu of UCLA.

“This study will help establish ways for minority individuals living with AIDS to obtain the greatest benefit from treatment with new anti-HIV therapies.”


The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases grant will be used to fund a one-year community outreach program between UCLA and Drew.

The universities will try to obtain more funding to keep the program going.

Mitsuyasu said new treatments for HIV are helping patients live longer. But they are not readily available to minorities and the poor, who are disproportionately represented among those infected with the virus.
