
HOUSE WINNERS : Undecided Races

Six races went to runoffs or remained too close to call Wednesday.

* CALIFORNIA: In District 42, incumbent Democrat George E. Brown Jr. was battling Republican Linda M. Wilde. In District 46 incumbent Republican Robert K. Dornan was running close against Democrat Loretta Sanchez.

* OREGON: In District 5, incumbent Republican Jim Bun was trailing Democrat Darlene Hooley, but many absentee ballots had yet to be counted.

* TEXAS: Because of Texas redistricting problems, three races went to runoffs. In District 8, Republican Kevin Brady faces another Republican, Gene Fontenot. In District 9, incumbent Republican Stephen Stockman faces Democrat Nick Lampson. And in District 25, incumbent Democrat Ken Bentsen faces Republican Dolly McKenna.


Several other close races in other states may go to runoffs.

Source: Associated Press
