
Fair Seeks Help of Science Professionals

Judges and mentors are needed for the Ventura County Science Fair, April 22-24 at the county fairgrounds in Ventura. The county superintendent of schools office is looking for professionals in the sciences--from astronomy to zoology--to help students with projects and serve as judges during the event.

The fair is open to students grades six through 12, and this year’s event includes 17 categories, ranging from applied mechanics and earth sciences to software and toxicology.

Changes in the format of the 1997 event should make the transition easy for students going on to state competition, said director Morley Cohen.


Students will compete for more than 40 awards, including two trips to NASA Space Camp--valued at $2,000 each.

Other prizes include savings bonds and scholarships.

The entry deadline is Friday. Entry packets are available at any public school with sixth- through 12th-graders. Judging will take place April 23. Also that day, representatives from science companies will be on hand for a career day to discuss jobs in the field of science. To mentor or judge, or to participate in career day, call 388-4410.
