
Firefighters Push for Switch to County Service

Leaders of the Alhambra firefighters union announced Monday that they have gathered enough voters’ signatures to force a special election on a measure that would transfer the city’s fire protection to Los Angeles County.

Asserting that county service would be cheaper and better, Alhambra Firefighters Assn. officials said they will give the City Council the option of switching to the county before forcing the issue to the ballot.

“We have more than [the] 15% of voters’ signatures needed. We hope the council won’t force us to turn them in,” said Frank Caterinicchio, association spokesman. “If the council decides to move to the county, it will be able to dictate the terms.”


But city officials said the charter amendment would mean a loss of local control and closure of at least one of the city’s three fire stations. “The council isn’t interested in pursuing Los Angeles County or a private contractor,” City Manager Julio Fuentes said.

Fuentes accused firefighters of seeking higher salaries through the measure.

But Firefighters Assn. President Bob D’Ausilio said firefighters are more concerned about understaffing than salaries and county service is the solution.
