
Many Retirees Look Elsewhere

Orange County is losing its luster as a retirement community. A lack of affordable housing within walking distance of amenities such as shopping, churches and other activities is pushing many retirees into other areas, said John Tully, partner in the Irvine architectural firm KTGY Group. Many boomers about age 45 or 50 are already starting to look elsewhere for retirement homes they can use now on weekends and live in later. They aren’t looking for age-restricted communities like Sun City or Leisure World. They are shopping rural areas like St. George, Utah, and Silver City, N.M., as well as inexpensive planned communities in Las Vegas and Scottsdale, Ariz. where they can buy a lot of house for their money.

In fact, housing managers say that older couples mix well in communities with “restarts,” widowers, divorcees, empty nesters and gay couples--basically anyone without young kids. Tully said his firm is working on plans for several developments in the Western U.S. with this concept.

Melinda Fulmer covers real estate for The Times. She can be reached at (714) 966-7832.
