
Valley Secession: Even a new city will...

Valley Secession: Even a new city will need lawyers. Valley VOTE, the group hoping to wrest the Valley away from the rest of Los Angeles, has retained two attorneys to guide it through the complicated secession process. They are Clark Alsop, an expert in land-use law, and Barry Fadem, who specializes in campaign and election law.

* TOP SCORER: Michelle Greco rules the court as the high-scoring star of the Crescenta Valley High girls’ basketball team, making her one of The Times’ Eight for ’98 sports figures. C9

* DRIVER CHARGED: A Sun Valley man, accused of killing a woman while speeding his wife through red lights to a hospital after she went into labor, was charged with vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence of alcohol. B5


* DEADLY FIRE: As New Year’s Eve approaches, Los Angeles police reminded the public that celebratory gunshots fired into the air sometimes return to Earth with deadly force. B1

* VETERAN TEACHER: Kenneth S. Devol, a nationally respected journalism professor who taught at Cal State Northridge for 30 years, has died. B9
