
Sister Karen, Motivator

While the article about Sister Karen Boccalero (“In Praise of Art and Dedication,” July 1) was good, more can be said to convey the depth and complexity of this extraordinary person. Sister Karen was, above all, a peerless motivator of talent--teaching and inspiring new artists to soar beyond their dreams, to create more and more beautiful work. Her highly regarded Atelier program produced some stunningly wonderful art. She was a reluctant administrator--but managed to do more with less than any nonprofit we’ve ever known.

And we cannot forget that her own art is excellent. She would have been world-renowned for it had she not chosen to spend her time and energy helping other artists.

While we will always cherish 25 years of knowing this generous, gentle, kind and very funny human being, we will miss her sorely.



Sebastopol, CA
