
Lancers Better in the Long Run


It was business as usual Friday for the Thousand Oaks High girls’ cross-country team, a traditional power.

The Lancers, bolstered by second-place individual finishes in three of four divisions, literally ran away with the team championship in the ninth annual Seaside Park Invitational at the Ventura County Fairgrounds.

Thousand Oaks finished with a combined time of 96:01, more than four minutes faster than second-place Birmingham (100:38).


Juniors Amanda Armstrong and Melissa McBain finished second and seventh, respectively, in the fastest race of the day, the junior girls’ event won by Robin Scott of San Marcos in 17:44. Armstrong clocked 18:08 and McBain finished in 19:33.

Erin Sorenson covered the three-mile course in 19:22 in the senior girls’ race, won by Kara Reed of Santa Clara in 19:05, with fellow Lancer Stephanie Overton finishing fifth in 19:46.

Freshman Kelly Hess had the second-fastest time for Thousand Oaks at 19:12 in the freshman race, which was won by Royal’s No. 1 runner, Jaclyn Pedersen.


Pedersen’s time of 18:41 would have placed her third in the junior girls’ race.

“It seemed like the race never ended,” Pedersen said of her first high school competition.

Armstrong, who finished eighth in last year’s race, Scott and defending City Section champion Tiffany Burgess of Birmingham went straight to the front of the pack at the start of their race.

After the first mile, Scott and Armstrong were 35 yards in front of Burgess, who appeared to be struggling. At the end of two miles, Scott had opened up a 40-yard lead over Armstrong, who was almost one minute ahead of eventual third-place finisher Laura Davis of McFarland.

“I tried to hold pace with [Scott], but she’s real fast,” Armstrong said. “I got my personal record and held my place, so I’m happy with that.”


Said Scott, who is still feeling the effects of shin splints incurred in the 1996 cross-country season: “I was expecting more people to be with me, because I’m not really in shape.”

Burgess finished fifth in 19:18, admitting afterward that she has to be more aggressive.

“I have a lot to improve and I have a lot to look forward to,” Burgess said. “I’m pleased with myself, although I could have worked harder. But I feel that way after every meet.”

Rachel Guerrero of Highland won the sophomore girls’ race in 18:34, with Ana Guerra of Santa Clara second in 19:18.

In boys’ team competition, Saugus defeated defending state Division IV champion McFarland by one second. The Centurions had a combined time of 79:11.

Saugus excelled in the junior boys’ race, with Jacob Boeding first in 15:28, Dan Klawer second in 15:40 and Steven Wade fifth in 15:52. Saugus’ John Gletskow finished seventh in the senior boys’ race in 15:30 and Centurion Nick Voeteney won the freshman boys’ event in 15:41.

The sophomore boys’ competition was won by Jason Lanning of Buena. Ronnie Buchanan of Righetti took the senior boys’ race in 14:53.



Team scoring, top 10 finishers in each division: C19
