
Diversionary Tactic Fails

* Thomas A. Fuentes’ Sept. 7 letter insinuating that the Democrats who voted down the reappointments of Tirso del Junco and Ward Connerly to the Board of Regents of the University of California did so because of their race is nothing but a feeble attempt to divert the public’s attention from the past and present racism practiced by Orange County Republicans.

Fuentes, the county Republican chairman, wrote this letter because he has seen the handwriting on the wall--that Orange County Latino voters are gaining in strength and are not taking kindly to the Republicans who, in the past, posted security guards in front of voting booths for the sole purpose of intimidating Latino voters.

And Latino voters have had enough of former Rep. Robert K. Dornan, that loose cannon who continues to wildly fire at every Latino voter in his former district.


Given the racist actions of Orange County Republicans, Fuentes’ indignation was a real knee slapper.


Huntington Beach
