
Giving Priority to Elderly Poor

* Re “Audit: Funds for Senior Meals Not in Equal Portions,” Sept. 16:

In 1975, my friends and I organized the Orange County Gray Panthers to address issues that included some poor elderly who had no choice but to eat cat food.

We have come a long way since, due to Older Americans Act funding for meals programs for the elderly and the excellent work of Orange County’s Area Agency on Aging and the nonprofit agencies in implementing this program.

This “senior network” has enjoyed a strong reputation for cost effectiveness in terms of both quality of services they provide to our elderly and the cost of these services relative to other programs throughout the state and nation.


The grand jury cannot be an expert in all issues, and their assumption that the meal program should not target the elderly poor is just plain wrong. The grand jury should reassess their misguided notion that well-off seniors should receive the same amount of meals as the poor.


