
Tips on Tipping

Leave a little? Leave a lot? Leave nothing? What’s called for varies by country. Travel Holiday magazine offers some tipping guidelines.

Where: Australia

Waiters: Nothing

Bartenders: Leave the change

Cabbies: Round to next $

Hotel Staff: $1 Australian ($0.75)


Where: Belgium

Waiters: Nothing

Bartenders: Nothing

Cabbies: Nothing

Hotel Staff: 50 francs ($1.45)


Where: Egypt

Waiters: 15%

Bartenders: 2 Egypt. max ($0.72)

Cabbies: 10%

Hotel Staff: 1 Egypt. ($0.36)


Where: France

Waiters: Nothing

Bartenders: Nothing

Cabbies: 10%

Hotel Staff: 10 francs ($1.75)


Where: Greece

Waiters: Included; add $1 for top service

Bartenders: Leave the change

Cabbies: 10% - 15%

Hotel Staff: 200 drachmas ($0.77)


Where: India

Waiters: 10%

Bartenders: 10%

Cabbies: 10%

Hotel Staff: 50 rupees ($1.62)


Where: Ireland

Waiters: Up to 15% if it’s not included

Bartenders: Nothing

Cabbies: 15%

Hotel Staff: 1 ($1.61)


Where: Mexico

Waiters: 15% - 20%

Bartenders: 10%

Cabbies: 50 cents per bag

Hotel Staff: $0.75 - $1.00


Where: Romania

Waiters: 10%

Bartenders: Nothing

Cabbies: $1 - $2 U.S.

Hotel Staff: $1 U.S.
