
SOAR Compromise Set for Council Vote

Oxnard tonight is expected to become the first city in Ventura County to place an ordinance before voters this fall that is intended to rein in urban sprawl.

The City Council directed staff last month to draft the ordinance that would create an urban growth boundary and curb development.

If approved as expected, the measure would go onto November’s ballot, replacing a different version of the plan that a group called Save Our Open Space and Agricultural Resources has prepared. SOAR advocates have been gathering signatures for that initiative. But leaders of the movement have said they would withdraw their measure if the City Council approves what is being described as a compromise plan.


The city’s version is less restrictive, exempting the construction of more than 800 homes in two developments that are already being planned.

The plan would halt most development on Oxnard Plain farmland through the year 2020 if approved by voters.
