
Trustees to Consider Study Guidelines

Elementary school students soon could spend at least half the day learning how to read and write and 300 minutes per week on math.

These are some of the suggested guidelines teachers will be expected to follow under a plan that will be considered tonight by Fullerton School District trustees.

The proposed guidelines outline how many minutes should be spent each day on a number of subjects. Trustees will meet at 7 tonight.


District officials said the “Suggested Guidelines for Allocation of Instructional Minutes” was prepared after extensive review of state documents. Principals and teams of teachers at each of the district’s elementary schools helped draft the document. The district Curriculum Steering Committee recommends its adoption.

Officials said new teachers would find the guidelines helpful in organizing their classroom instruction plan.

Parents and teachers have said they approve of the plan, as long as the guidelines remain flexible and allow time for assemblies, field trips and creative lessons that integrate a number of subjects.


Trustees also will consider a change in the attendance boundaries for Valencia Park and Pacific Drive schools.
