
‘You’re the One’ Proves Second-Rate

“You’re the One” is that rare sitcom whose IQ is part of its title.

This formulaic new WB series about a culture clash is a lowbrow, unfunny romantic comedy that buries its appealing leads, Elon Gold and Cynthia Geary, in cheap stereotypes.

They play a devoted young couple--Mark is Jewish, Lindsay is not--who are refreshingly sane compared to their gratingly overbearing (and overplayed) families. Lindsay wants to include their families in their coming marriage in Central Park. Mark thinks not. Meanwhile. . . .

“I understand you’re the Jew,” growls Lindsay’s irritating father, Bo Metcalf (Leo Burmester), a Southern quasi-militiaman with hunting trophies on his walls, when meeting his future son-in-law. Only marginally more acceptable is her prissy mother, who speaks like she’s balancing a teacup on her knee.


Then Mark’s pushy Jewish family swarms in from Florida: “Where’s d’toilet?”

Later, Bo bullies Mark into going duck hunting, and the inanity rises even higher with the introduction of Lindsay’s wimpy, neurotic brother, Kip (Jayce Bartok).

In a coming, somehow-worse episode, Lindsay faults Mark for not being romantic enough, and the idiot Kip is smitten by Mark’s sister. Getting the hots for this series is much tougher.


* “You’re the One” premieres at 9:30 p.m. Sunday on WB (Channel 5). The network has rated it TV-PG (may be unsuitable for young children).
