
Competition and Cable TV

* Re “City Provides Battleground for Cable Competitors,” April 13.

I believe TCI spokesman Andrew Johnson’s assertion that “he was not surprised at the drop-off in business” due to competition from GTE is less than sincere. I would imagine that TCI is very surprised that they have lost almost 50% of their customers. Their public statements only make their business flaws even more obvious: They have been arrogant and indifferent toward their customers for a very long time.

I have lived in Camarillo for 13 years. As the company changed its name from Televents to Ventura County Cable Vision and finally to TCI, it never changed its attitude toward customers. When cable service would go out, there were no apologies or proration of fees. It was in no hurry to fix equipment failures, either in the home or on the poles. They were, in essence, accountable to no one.

When GTE began installing its network in my neighborhood, I could not wait to make the switch. When I called TCI to cancel my service, the person I spoke with offered me no inducement to stay and didn’t even ask my reasons for switching.


Mr. Johnson, many of TCI’s customers have long memories, and they have grown tired of your so-called “marathon.” They’re looking for the finish line, and it looks like GTE is going to get there first. TCI’s push to catch up is a case of too little, too late.


