
You’re Only as Old as You Feel Psychologically

“Ageless Heroes”

Written, produced and directed by Bud Greenspan


April 29, 9 to 10 p.m.; also May 3, noon to 1 p.m.

56 minutes

Baby boomers should take great comfort in this presentation about aging. Ten “heroes,” ages 65 and older, talk about what it means to age but not feel older. The tape correctly points out that there is a large gap between chronological age and psychological age, a gap that is sure to lengthen as the baby boom generation leaves its unique mark upon society. The heroes include unknowns, such as a housewife who went back to college at age 65, and famous names like Eartha Kitt and Joe Paterno. Each person’s thoughts about aging are inspiring. But less film time could have been spent reviewing each person’s past and more devoted to their philosophies on aging and how they live each day.
