
Appeal Sought on Storage Locker Plan

Owners of the local Price Club are proposing city officials make an exception to voter-approved requirements and allow a personal storage warehouse in the Southpark area, officials said.

Price Enterprises has applied for a permit to build an 85,000-square-foot storage complex near Price Club in the Southpark shopping center.

The addition would exceed the site’s 1988 voter-proscribed building capacity by 60,000 square feet.


Under the law, the owners would only be allowed to develop another 25,000 square feet.

City planners already have declined the expansion proposal. The City Council today will consider an appeal.

“We find ourselves in a dilemma,” Councilman John J. Collins said. “The concern really comes down to traffic and this aspect of holding our feet to the fire on a plan that was approved by voters.”

Price Club officials have contended that a storage warehouse would draw less traffic than a smaller retail business.


The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave.

Information: (714) 593-4445.
