
Fire Destroys Ojai Mobile Home

An electrical fire destroyed a double-wide mobile home in a remote area of Ojai on Tuesday afternoon and forced a family of four to seek shelter with the Red Cross, authorities said.

The fire started in a microwave inside the kitchen at 9600 Sulfur Mountain Road about 2:15 p.m., said county fire dispatcher Charles Carranza.

Meli Deken was cooking in the microwave and had walked outside when she spotted flames, said Battalion Chief Glenn Garcia. The mobile home, which ran only on electricity, had wiring problems, according to fire officials.


No members of the family were inside when the fire started, fire officials said.

Officials estimate the damage to the mobile home and its contents at $20,000, Garcia said. “They lost everything,” he said.

More than 20 firefighters responded to the blaze, Carranza said.
