
Filling a Void: the Artistry of Luis Alfaro

As David L. Ulin notes in “Honk if You Love Pico-Union” (Nov. 15), L.A. audiences don’t turn out in droves to support home-grown or nontraditional arts. The few existing mid-sized theaters don’t seem to be thriving, and the demise of Alfaro’s alma mater, the Inner City Cultural Center, which emerged from the ashes of the Watts riots, has left a large void.

However, as long as Alfaro and other gap-straddling, fun-poking, hmm-inducing performers and writers can work at art-irritating-life, there may be hope for this city yet.

Kezia M. Jauron

Sherman Oaks


To those who know him, Alfaro is a gifted talent, one who perseveres and relates Latino complexities to an oft-times skeptical public. His influence is inspirational.


Therese Hernandez

Los Angeles
