
Surplus Will Pay for Police Cars, Street Fixes

For the first time in several years, Westminster will have enough of a budget surplus to pay for some street repairs and two new police cars, and to bolster savings, city officials said.

The city is predicting slightly higher revenue and slightly lower expenses this year compared with last year. If economic trends continue, Westminster would have a year-end surplus of about $1.1 million, according to City Manager Don Vestal.

At a special meeting last week, the City Council decided to spend $100,000 of the surplus on street repairs and $200,000 for two police patrol cars, park maintenance equipment and utility vehicles. The remainder will be set aside for unanticipated expenses or emergencies, Vestal said.


“Each year we are spending less and saving more,” Councilman Tony Lam said. “The city must operate along the same lines as a financially sound business.”
