
Khachigian’s Quest for Revenge

* I found the Feb. 1 column by Kenneth L. Khachigian more eloquent than any nationally televised statement by Hillary Rodham Clinton in explaining the recent turmoil around the Clinton presidency.

I know how deeply seated is the desire on the part of some of those of the conservative persuasion to exact a sort of “what goes around comes around” type of retribution for what they perceive as the unjust persecution and removal from office of Richard Nixon.

Yet, I had regarded Mrs. Clinton’s statement about a “vast right-wing conspiracy” arrayed against her husband as little more than an expected defense strategy.


That was until encountering the amount of thought and effort that someone of Khachigian’s stature put into drawing his great circle from Nixon to Bill Clinton.

Maybe I underestimated how much a passing generation of conservatives needs to satisfy its desire for revenge.

Their fervor in pursuing this affair also betrays their disdain for the ability of the American people to judge how and when a president’s behavior is impacting his fitness and ability to perform the job they gave him.


It’s often amusing to watch them struggle to cope with comparing the high television ratings for the Watergate hearings 25 years ago to Bill Clinton’s current high-60s approval rating.



* Poor Ken Khachigian. He’s trying his best to put a negative spin on Clinton’s popularity.

The truth is, given Watergate or Zippergate, the people have spoken. And he has achieved his popularity without going to war. Yet.



