
Too Soon to Start Political Campaign

Upon arriving home Dec. 30 I found a flier on my doorstep urging me to vote for a resident of Oak Park for Ventura County supervisor. The campaign season, much less the filing period, for the June elections isn’t even open, and I am beginning to receive material--amazing!

I don’t suppose this is a way of getting around campaign spending laws, do you? The flier, of course, was paid for by volunteers and friends of said candidate, with no identifying fair political practices information.

Could this flier be a premature attempt to try to stop others who might be considering seeking the District 2 supervisorial seat from going forward? How undemocratic!


I hope the residents of District 2 will remain open to hear from and about all the candidates who choose to run in this race before deciding to support, either financially or personally, any one of them.


Thousand Oaks
