
No Smoking Allowed in Bars

To California legislators, I say, I forgive them their political transgressions. Let them have as a reward all the pay raises, perks and whatever else their greedy minds desire. They have just done something big to benefit all mankind.

They have enacted the ban on smoking in public places (Jan. 2). For this I and many nonsmokers say thanks. As a senior citizen, one of my hobbies is playing at the card casinos; before, my time was very limited due to secondhand smoke, allergies, respiratory problems, etc. Now I can indulge for hours in a clean-air environment. What a wonderful difference, and my clothes don’t stink.


Los Angeles


I think the law banning smoking in bars is stupid; liquor and tobacco have been together practically forever. This idea of making smokers step outside to smoke is idiotic.


As to the fancy commercials with the poor waitress begging people to support this (offensive) law, weren’t people smoking at the bars when she applied?


Highland, Calif.


Our love affair with California began in the early 1950s. My husband and I were married and moved to Southern California; he was in the Marine Corps and stationed at Camp Pendleton. A year or so later he was discharged and we decided to settle in the Golden State and start a family. Five years later with three children, we were forced to return to Colorado because of my father’s illness.

The love affair did not stop there. Every year we would return to California on vacation, with the kids. Yes, the love affair continued when we retired in 1990, spending most of the winter months in the warm climate.


However, the love affair has died; we are no longer welcome. We will have to find another place to spend our $$$$$$$. What a shame, California, that you no longer welcome your old friends. Why is that? We are smokers!


Littleton, Colo.


It’s a day I knew was coming, but thought would never arrive. No more smoking in bars. I’ve been working in bars for two years as a cigarette girl. I am also a nonsmoker, but I love my job.

If employees are bothered by secondhand smoke, there is nothing stopping them from moving on.



