
Trustees Correct Pay Rate Disparity

A bookkeeping snafu in the Las Virgenes Unified School District that resulted in assistant principals at the middle and high schools being paid more than principals at the elementary schools was finally corrected by the board of trustees last week.

The disparity came to light last spring during a regular review of the district’s administrative pay schedules.

It was not corrected until now because a heavy workload among district staff members delayed getting the issue to the board, Donald Zimring, the district’s assistant principal of business, said.


He added that the change will be retroactive.

Zimring said the district compares its salary range with the 43 other kindergarten-through-12th-grade school districts in Los Angeles County, and tries to be among the top 11 districts in terms of pay.

During a 1995-96 review, the district decided to increase the daily pay rate of middle and high school principals for the next year, which lead to an automatic increase of the assistant principals’ pay rate.

Unknowingly, the increase in the assistant principals’ daily rate to a range from $303 to $353 exceeded the rates for elementary school principals, which ranged from $300 to $357.


The salary change, approved by the district board at a meeting Tuesday night, raised the daily rate range for elementary school principals from $309 to $360.

Zimring said the district tries to keep at least a 2% gap between assistant principals and principals as an incentive to move up.

District elementary school principals said they were pleased with the change, but some added they deserve even more money because they alone are responsible for administrative tasks at their schools.


They said the next step the district should take is to provide them with extra help in the office.

Round Meadow Elementary Principal Renee Lamkay said the principals and district officials are discussing just what form such help might take, and that she is optimistic it will be resolved as well.
