
TV 101

Grades K-4

“America’s Special Days.” Wednesday, 9-11:30 a.m. This 10-part series, shown in its entirety, helps children appreciate why we celebrate certain days as “holidays.” Social studies lessons use language arts, reading, science, math and fine arts. Tip for parents: Ask your child to imagine a new holiday the nation should celebrate.

Grades 4-6

“Team Science: Earth Processes.” Tuesday, 9-9:45 a.m., continuing same time Thursday and Jan. 27 and 29. This interactive program shows how land forms and structures are built and eroded. Students explore geology, sedimentation, weathering, rock and soil cycles and mapping. Tip: Discuss how erosion works and whether rock can rot.

Grades 7-12

“American Frontier II: The Donner Party and ‘Snowshoe’ Thomson.” Tuesday, 9:45-10 a.m. Norwegian immigrant John Thomson applied his knowledge of skiing to build snowshoe-like skis that enabled him to deliver mail in the Sierra. He became a frontier hero. But the Donner Party couldn’t cope.


Grades 6-10

“Real Science, 1-6.” Tuesday, 10 a.m.-noon. Teen reporters visit scientists to learn about their careers. They learn that scientists work in all kinds of places, including hospitals, television studios and museums as well as laboratories.
